
How to Find Your Niche as a Dietitian

If you’re a dietitian who’s thinking about starting a business, you’ve probably heard all about the importance of niching down.  How many times have you heard the sayings “The riches are in the niches”, or “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one”?...

#122: 8 New AI Tools Coming to the Google Ecosystem

As promised, in this episode I’m going to go over the rest of the exciting announcements Google made at their Google I/O conference a few weeks ago.  As I said last week, the bulk of this conference was centered around AI and they actually revealed 8 new AI...

#112: (Belated) Birthday Ask-Me-Anything

To celebrate my birthday this year, I asked people both in both of my Facebook groups if they had any questions for me — personal questions, business questions, life questions, whatever. If they dropped any questions in the post, I promised I would try to answer them...