Ever wonder whether your content creation efforts are paying off?

Cause let’s be honest… writing is hard work!

And it can be tough to stick to it if you’re not sure it’s making an impact.

But guess what…

If you’re selling something to your audience, the *simplest* way you can gauge how your marketing efforts are working ….

…. is to simply ask your new customers where they found you.

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated… a “How did you hear about us?” question on the sign-up form will do.

The results may surprise you.

Case in point:

I have recently been focusing my efforts on repurposing my podcast episodes into YouTube videos and SEO-optimized blog posts.

You see, I’ve been podcasting since 2020 and have over 100 episodes in my catalog…

But… podcasts suck for search discovery!

There is no search engine for podcasts.

Meaning, the only people listening to my content are people who are ALREADY in my audience.

That’s wonderful for serving your people and fostering connection, but it doesn’t help you grow.

So, I set out to prove (again) the VALUE of blogging with an SEO strategy in mind.

Over the last 6 months, I’ve published 15 SEO-optimized blog posts on my site (repurposed from older podcast content I had already created.)

How did it impact sales?

In the 6 months prior to implementing this strategy….

…. just TWO of my new customers said they found me through Google.

In the 6 months after I began repurposing content to rank on Google…

…. TWELVE new paying customers said they originally found me via Google.

That’s a 6x increase in paying customers…. and $24,000 in new business.

If you do the math on that… that’s $1,600 in additional revenue, on average, per SEO-optimized blog post.

{Thanks, in part, to a well-oiled sales funnel I have in place when people join my email list after finding me on Google.}

MAN am I kicking myself for not implementing this repurposing strategy sooner!!

Numbers don’t lie. SEO works.

And the best part about having data like this is that you can feel confident putting more time and effort into the marketing channels that are working.

If I didn’t personally have the time to write 2 blog posts every month, I could easily outsource this task to a freelance writer for $500 a piece and still come out with a net positive on my investment.

If I can keep this up, my projected 2024 revenue directly attributable to the content on my website should be ~$50,000+.

So…. if you’re questioning whether spending a couple thousand dollars to learn how to create SEO-optimized content on your website is worth it…

… yes, yes it is.

And if you’re not totally sure what I mean by “SEO”, no worries – I’ve got this free rundown right here that will show you the ropes.



Before you go… here are a few more ways I can help you.

​1. Free Weekly VideosSubscribe to my YouTube channel to get weekly videos with the latest organic traffic strategies and tips for growing a lucrative online business.

2. ​Search Savvy MembershipSearch Savvy includes access to my signature course, SEO Made Simple, PLUS the real-time support, feedback, and up-to-date best practices you need to grow your audience online.

​3. Exclusive Facebook Group: Connect with 16,000+ lovely humans starting, growing, and scaling their digital businesses.

4. ​Functional Nutrition Library: Your resource for staying on top of the latest research and best practices in functional nutrition. (Recently relaunched! Watch me grow it in real-time.)

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Erica Julson is a registered dietitian turned digital marketing pro. She has over 14 years of experience blogging and building online businesses and has taught over 1,000 people inside her programs.